I attended my first coach training session in 2011. I have been actively pursuing credentialing and wanting to start my own practice since that time. I coach today for several reasons, but I think it best to first explore what the coaching experience with me looks like.
Coaching is not counseling or therapy. Those practices work with issues of the past and are designed to help you better cope with today. Coaching is not mentoring. Mentoring is taking the learnings from someone else's past and applying them to help you today. The concept of life coaching goes back to the old west. Think of coach's original meaning - something designed to help you get from one place to another.

Coaching is joining together with a thought-partner to explore your issues being experienced today and helping you move forward through them. It is great for setting goals and exploring ways to achieve them. It is an awesome method to get unstuck in whatever area life or work or spirituality issues you realize has become a rut for you. It is a great way to discern your path forward and formulate the steps you need to take in order to make positive progress in any area of your life.
Being coached by me means that you and I partner together to process your topics, issues, dreams or goals. We will have conversations designed to help you get the best out of your own thinking. We endeavor to dig deeper into your ideas and discover best solutions or plans to help you make forward progress. I will ask you questions designed to meet your specific needs as you unpack that which is already within. Often, it just needs a little push to come to the forefront of your mind to help you process what your mind wants and your heart desires. This is a positive experience because you are the expert in the conversation. My role is to help you see the best way forward for you.
I coach because I know the impact coaching has had in my life. When I was first exposed to coaching it was some of the most enlightening experiences I had ever imagined. I learned (and continue to learn) more about myself and how I process my own thinking greater than I ever knew existed previously. I have learned to work more efficiently, balance my life's schedule more effectively, and grow in my faith exponentially. Coaching helps me dig deep into my soul and helps me discern how to lead within my strengths. My life is positively changed forever because of coaching. In addition to much prayer and meditation, it is coaching that helped me discern God's call to become a coach!
Since God's particular call for me is to help people discover and become everything they can be in Christ, my specialty is spirituality coaching. This brand of coaching helps people seeking God's guidance through their lives. Many of my clients are pastors who are seeking to discern God's leadership in their lives to grow in their faith, learn God's will for their vocational needs, and navigate their own leadership skills to help them develop a greater sense of confidence and partnership with Christ. Their experiences are unique to themselves and are powerful examples of God's enlightenment.
If this kind of coaching works incredibly well for them, imagine what it can do for you. It works for denominational and mission leaders, Christian business people wanting to discover how to integrate and live out their faith in the workplace, and everyday Christians who are discerning God's call, seeking God's purpose, and exploring God's love to new levels in their lives.
My areas of expertise in spirituality and leadership coaching are not limited to the Christian community. Because of my faith, I approach all people from a place of honesty, sincerity, and integrity. I do not use my coaching to push my faith on anybody. I want everyone I encounter to experience positive growth in their lives regardless of their faith. The power of coaching and its potential in your life is what I present to you. I invite you to set up a time to talk about this with me personally by clicking this link https://calendly.com/peptalkministries/30-minute-coaching-consultation. I look forward to helping you move forward in your life, be it in your faith, your leadership, or any other area in which you are ready to grow!