Most people say they are not as closely connected to God as they desire. Of those, most say that they are NOT actively seeking ways to tighten that connection. Those who know there are options available for spiritual growth settle for complacency in their spiritual lives.
You have within you the capacity to strengthen your relationship with God and make your life more meaningful!

Coaching for Spiritual Discernment
The growth of the practice of coaching is no accident. It has become a viable option for people and organizations facing many circumstances. Some feel stuck, perhaps in a rut, and seek solutions that break them from the status quo to experience drive and excitement. Some need to replace old habits that are defeating their purposes. Some require new beginnings that are focused, generating energy and momentum. Some are trying to discern what next steps to take in life, career, and calling.
My specialty in coaching is helping people with spiritual discernment. My doctoral work had me coaching ministry leaders, pastors, and denominational leaders who were discerning vocational transitions within the next six months. The project was 100% successful as all participants expressed vivid clarity of God’s desire for them in their coming seasons. Some discovered that their anticipated transition was from their own thinking and not what God had in mind for them at that time. They stayed in their situations but with a far better outlook and sense of God’s presence in their work. The rest found exactly where God was leading them in their transitions.
Coaching for spiritual discernment is a powerful way for you to navigate your way forward in life. Jesus taught us to seek kingdom things first in life, and the rest will fall into place. In a coaching relationship, I come alongside you and help you discover the pathway to closeness with God. The closer you are to the Lord, the easier it is to hear the whisper of the still, small voice of the One who loves you, inspires you, and calls you.
Who can benefit from my coaching?
• Everyday Christians who are trying to find their purpose in life, exploring their calling, seeking to grow in their faith, and wanting to know God more intimately.
• Pastors who are seeking continual growth in their spiritual lives, wanting to become more effective leaders, looking for balance in their ministry/personal lives.
• Christian leaders who desire to improve their leadership skills, learn ways to take their faith into the marketplace and ensure their closeness with God for their leadership.
• Ministry teams that seek to function together celebrate their strengths and find the sweet spot where everyone contributes, and gaps are covered collaboratively.
With all the coaching I do, becoming your thought partner is my way of helping you discover and become all you can be in Christ!
What to do next
By now, you are interested, perhaps intrigued. You want to know if coaching is a good fit for you but do not want to obligate yourself to anything just yet. Good. I get that! Click here to schedule a time when we can have a conversation about your needs. I am not pushy, and there will not be any pressure to buy now or anything like that. It will be just you and me on the phone exploring possibilities. I look forward to getting to know you.