As a former drummer, I have always had a deep appreciation for music. A good "driving" beat was always my favorite because it just makes me want to get up and power walk. What I appreciate is the steadiness, consistency, and positive motion it inspires within me. It's all about that steady rhythm.

My "Question of the Week" on my social media ( this week asks, "How would you describe the rhythm of your spiritual life?" Many do not consider such a thing when it comes to how or when they tend to their souls. Instead of thinking about a rhythm, it is more about traditions. "I go to church every Sunday, and sometimes on Wednesday nights too." This could certainly fit into the definition of a spiritual rhythm, but what I am referring to goes deeper into personal recesses in your heart.
You may be one who has no problem describing your faith life. Some struggle to talk about their connection with God. This might be caused by a lack of regularity in their relationship with the Lord.
I could prescribe some sort of system for you to adopt here, but I believe your rhythm will be best established by you doing your own work to determine what is best for you. Many people work to establish a "quiet time," usually in the mornings before they do much else. Others will put together a reading plan of Scriptures to get started. Prayer is often involved. I know a few who meditate and focus on God's presence behind closed eyes while listening to soft music, worship songs, or even white noise in the background. Some prefer a dark, lonely place while some seem to be able to connect regardless of their surroundings.
What you do and how you do it is completely up to you. What I am advocating for is that you do it! Don't think about it too much, just recognize that the more you follow Jesus' words of "abiding" with him, the more attuned you will be to the sweet sounds of God's love echoing deep within your soul.
If you have a good rhythm already, great. Keep it up and find ways to draw even closer to God. If you are missing a few beats or have dropped the proverbial drum, pick it up, dust it off, and make time to spend with God internally. I believe you will quickly discover a cadence that will become a beautiful tune.
Coaching Questions:
How would you describe your spiritual rhythm as it exists today?
How serious are you about becoming closer to God?
What practices have you stopped doing that could be useful to reengage?
What new thing(s) are you willing to try to close the gap between you and God?
When will you start?